Focus Anchor brings your attention back to your top priority, so it is always front of mind 🧠

How to use it

Most important is to use the keyboard shortcut, focus on one thing at a time, and get crackin'! Use the keyboard shortcut.Press ⌘⇧K or Win+Shift+K to quickly set your focus. Press Enter/Return after typing to commit to that focus.
Move and resize.Focus Anchor can be moved and resized as you need. Give it a bash!
Syncs across devices, if you likeOnce you Sync you'll have your top priority everywhere you look.
Or don't sync and have a different focus on each device. Use with RaycastInstall the Focus Anchor extension & anchor your focus through Raycast
Embeddable.Embed your top priority in the apps you know and love, such as Notion and ClickUp
Turn on and off your nudgesUse the menu icon to manage shake and audio reminders, as well as to get your Focus Key & embed link Ask Siri to set your focusSet your focus by saying "Hey Siri, Anchor My Focus" with the help of this Apple Shortcut Use the secret incantationsSet your focus to 'hide' or 'quit' and Focus Anchor will do as it is told Use our app for's no-code automation platform makes it super easy to setup automations. Have a look here Use the API for automationsAutomatically set your Focus during time blocks, or when you start on a new task in your todo list.

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Coming soon: Browser extensions, configurable nudges, Alexa, mobile app, mobile app widgets and integrations.

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